[This page last updated to 22/06/2012.]

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Spain [Barcelona], Italy [Venice], Adriatic Cruise, Turkey[ Istanbul],
Germany [Berlin], Sweden [Goteberg], USA [Washington DC]

Drove to Sydney on Thursday for departure Friday. Leaving car in garage at Neutral Bay. Jan house minding Wangi.


14/06 Thu - left Wangi at 8:30. Spent the day at our unit at Neutral Bay in Sydney, storing car in the garage and personal items in locker as the place will be occupied by others while we are away. Great sunny day. Dinner with Marcus & Carmen at Toshiya restaurant in Cremorne. Great meal there as usual.

On the road...

15-16/06 - Taxi to airport at 11:00. Thought that would be way too early for a 2:35 pm flight but not so. Passport control was packed - 600-1000 in two queues. Security similar. By the time we had a quick bite and got through all that it was almost time to board.

First leg to HK was uneventful. Read for bit. Some 40 movies available but nothing to get me excited and don't like to small screens. Marta too read. HK was the usual seemingly pointless drill of disembarking, taking train to transit lounge at another terminal, getting searched by immigration, catching another train back to where we started and getting back onto the same plane in the same seats some hour or so later. Second leg to LON was painful, some 12 hours in the air. Arrived 5.15 am, picked up bags and trained to a different terminal for checkin, with four hours wait for Barcelona flight.

Barcelona [Spain]

Arrived Barcelona about 2:00 pm after 32 hrs in the air or at airports [plus 7 hours awake before leaving home] so pretty tired. Dinner at a nice tapas bar then noticed some festivities around the the corner on our way home - a Catalan festival with great music, dancing and human towers. Took Marta to hotel around 8:30 as she was worn out and went back alone to see some more. To bed around 10:30

Photos: Start of flight, Virgin Coffee and first meal after landing at Barcelona.

17/06 - Up bright and early - bfast at Starbucks a couple of doors down then a hop on hop off bus tour. Excellent value - did the blue line of northern suburbia and then the red line for the southern section. Cost is E24 a day pp with second day only E7. Will do the green line tomorrow.

Met up with the Pulbrooks at around 3:00 [they just flew in today] for a quick drink [and lunch for them]. Met up again tonight for tapas nearby. Dinner a a tapas bar in Born close to our hotel - nice place but strange tapas on bread. Interesting, OK but not exciting. Lousy wine.

18/06 - continued bus tour for green line. Lots of walking to start - down to harbour area in morning to catch bus only to find we had to go to the central city office to get the special E7 rate for the day. Met Pulbrooks for dinner again. Disappointing seafood restaurant near beach, followed by watching footbal Spain vs Croatia on large screen TV at bar on beach. More barracking for Croatia than Spain. Walked back to hotel. Pulbrooks got a cab.

19/06 - walked to other end of town to see what shops and faacilities are available. Fantastic Gaudi architecture evident in several buildings. Barcellona really has a great feel. Then bus to an outlying suburbaban residential shopping mall to see what it was like. Took washing to Pulbrooks as they have a washing machine, followed by dinner at nice tapas bar in their part of town. The best tapas we have come across. Very tasty and reasonably priced. We arrived around 7:30 and had no trouble getting a table [for 6]. By the time we left around 11:00 the place was packed, with long queues lined up and waiting to get in so looks like it has a reputation established. Walking back around 12:00 the streets were still packed with people walking around, shopping at stall or hanging out in coffee shops and tapas bar.

20/06 - went for tour of Barcelona Football Club and museum with Lew and the boys. Amazing to see the number of people there and the promo stuff being sold. Back around 3:00 and then to Spanish Village at Mt Duic to meet at 6:00 for flamenco dinner and dance show at 7:30. Consensus was that it was an average show. Back home around 9:30 as departure tomorrow.

Photos: Entrance to Hotel Central Barcelona, on way to breakfast down the street and La Ramba mall.

Photos: Tapas with the Pulbrooks, typical Barcelona streets and airport departure.

Italy [Venice]

21/06 - depart Barcelona for Venice at 9:55 am. Had breakfast and cab arrived 8:15 of max 30 min ride. Freeway accident caused traffic congestion and we arrived at departure lounge as they were queuing up to board so rush rush rush. On arrival, found that the best means from Venice airport to hotel was by water taxi @ E110 or public water bus @ E15 pp. We chose the latter and got here around 2:00. The number of people waiting to check in and consternation by staff with rooms not ready or issues with bookings suggested we were at a Fawlty Towers franchise. That was pretty well correct. After some delay we were put in a "pretty venetian style" unit on the first floor, with twin Juliette balconies overlooking a public courtyard [low volume traffic so little noise]. Heat had been over-powering since we stepped off the plane so the balconies were of no use. Air con was much better. As recompense for our delay we were offered a free, complimentary cruise around the islands with the hotel's 27' motor launch tomorrow morning. Too good to be true...? Dinner in restaurant out front - nice spaghetti marinaras and white wine - 20% discount to hotel guests made it quite reasonable - and to sleep around 10:00, exhausted.

Photos: Venice - hotel lobby, our room 506 [same as our cabin number would you believe?] and dinner 1st night.

22/06 - Venice - what a day. Up early for hotel buffet breakfast at 7:30. Met a nice couple from The Lakes Entrance in Victoria and hooked up for the morning, cruising around in a water taxi, courtesy of the hotel. Ha ha!! The name of the game was to get us to buy. First stop was Murano Island for glass blowing demo and heavy sales pitch. Marta bought a fridfge magnet she liked for E5 much to their annoyance and Kev bought a chandelier for E3800, no doubt much to their delight. Then another launch to Burano Island and the lace museum wth lace at E1000-1800 per tablecloth or bed cover. No takers there. Then the BIG surprise. NO LAUNCH for the return trip. Catch public ferry @ E7 pp was the only option to get back. Not even big buyers like Ray got the trip back. But that's not all... when we got to the jetty we found no public transport today to San Zaccaria, our stop for the hotel. Seems there is a strike by some employees. Closest stop was San Nove on the main island. When we got there [by ferry], the staff were most unhelpful. How many klms to San Zaccaria? Shrug of shoulders. How long to walk? Shrug again. Which way? Finger pointed vaguely to the left along the water. Although Marta and I were quite annoyed by this stage [understatement], it all seemed doable for us. However Kev and his wife were to catch a cruise ship this afternoon and their water taxi was scheduled to pick them up at San Zaccaria at 1:00 pm. We were already up to 12:35 with no idea how long it would take to get there and no one speaking English. Kev spotted a moored boat that looked like it may be a water taxi so I ran up and asked. Si. How much to San Zaccaria? E60. Kev accepted with glee. Trip took around 20 mins and looking at the shoreline, it would have taken several hours to walk IF we had known where we were going. The road along the shore was closed or broken in a couple of places so that would have made it REAL interesting on foot. As it was, we arrived just in time for them to head straight off. They didn't have time to complain but I sure did. Compensation given was given without question - a water taxi to our ship tomorrow, compliments of the hotel. Kev had already gone so nothing for him unfortunately. I heard an identical complaint in the lobby later that afternoon by a lady who had just paid E110 to get back by water taxi but only apologies for her.

Photos: Typical Venice canal, typical Burano canal & on water taxi to ship.